Sunday, December 8, 2013

Collaborative Program for Group Papers

Have you ever had one of those group projects in High School that the entire group needs to write a paper? All of your group members would grumble, and procrastinate and then quickly meet up before the paper was due to finally type it and hand it in. Well there is an alternative program, quite like Google Documents, called Will You Type With Me. This program allows students (after making a login name) to share a document, work on it together, and be able to chat, almost like an instant message, within the document. This way, students will be able to share ideas, and comments about the document they are working on. This is extremely helpful because students are able to work on the document together, so all the ideas of the group are shared in one setting and in one document.
I think this would be a fantastic tool for students to have because group projects are never an easy thing to do. Which member has extracurricular activities, which member cant get meet because their parents cant drive them, group projects always come with excuses.  This program, Will You Type With Me, allows students to meet virtually and accomplish the paper without having to cancel appointments, schedule meeting times, and such.
This is something that would be so beneficial to students. I think high school students should have access to other student’s emails, just as college students have. It would make group projects less daunting and much more easier. Plus with the program Will You Type With Me it would make group papers in the English classroom much more bearable. It is difficult for high school students, especially freshman, sophomores, and juniors to get parents to drive them to a destination to work on a paper. So this program would be very helpful for the non-driving student. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that this program sounds great! I have never used it before, but I have used Google docs before and I agree that being able to simultaneously work and edit a paper is extremely useful for cases like this! I love to, how they come with a chat box so you can talk with your peers while all working on the paper! It makes group projects much easier for everyone by taking out the worry of finding time to all meet up somewhere!
