Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Technology & Pedagogy

Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Auq91Ju4QG2FdDVuNGhQYXNBUTFMY3Nna2RpRnRxV3c&usp=sharing

The reason why I chose this lesson plan was because of its relevance to society currently. Bullying has become an epidemic, coping skills and reactions should be taught as early as possible to give students some help to deal with bullying. While reviewing the lesson plan, I found the plan to be completely copasetic and flowed wonderfully. The plan worked well by having students work on their own, mostly, and complete the goal fully. While there were not gaps between the teaching strategies that were used in this lesson plan, I did find some technology gaps. Since this lesson plan is available for students in third to fifth grade, it would be useful to have students work on the computers a little more.
 Instead of having students write in their journals, have them type them out, print them, and have a peer edited them on the printed version. It would give students a chance to see how to take their peers reviews and change their writing on the computer. It would also give them a change to understand how computers work with writings. Saving, printing, editing, all of these features could also be used in the lesson plan. Also, working with the smart board will allow students to get a taste of what technologies are available to them. It will allow them to have more interaction with the board then they would with post it notes (an activity which students much place emotions on the board with sticky/post it notes).


  1. I agree with you that a little more technology could have been added to the lesson. I like your idea of having the students type their journals on the computer and have peers edit their work. This is a great way for students to get feedback from their peers and make some final changes before they hand it in to you, the teacher. Including the smart board would also engage the students in the lesson, because it is a fun technology that younger kids enjoy getting the opportunity to work with. I think they would feel that you trust them enough to use the smart board in the class and it would definitely contribute to the classroom environment.

  2. I too agree that having the students type up their journals would be a great addition to the technology aspect. Since this is an assignment for younger grades, I think it's important that they start learning how to type as well.

  3. Nice lesson choice! I had a lot of trouble finding online lesson plans, but this one was really in depth. In regards to your reflection, you definitely have a point on the lack of technology. Having the students type their responses is an easy and meaningful way to incorporate technology since typed language is a prominent form of communication. One thing that I am unsure about is the use of the smartboard. This of course my lack of understanding of smartboards themselves, but I do not understand how it would be used in this context. What sort of activity would you have the students do with the technology? Thanks!

  4. Amanda, I really like this lesson plan as well! I think that bullying is an extremely important topic to be taught in schools and students ABSOLUTELY need to be taught how to cope with and how to react towards any bullying they may unfortunately come into contact with. I think it is great how you want to incorporate technology into this lesson plan because not only can it enhance the student's learning about the chosen topic: Bullying, but it allows them just in even a general sense, to use and become familiar with different technologies that they may be using for the rest of their lives (i.e computers). By having the students type up their journals rather than just write them, it is a great and simple way to incorporate technology into their lesson and also I love the idea of the peer editing! It is a great way to share ideas about such an important topic.
